Chinook Salmon
Chinook runs are broken into Spring and Fall. The Spring Chinook is regarded highly as one of the better tasting fish caught in Pacific Northwest waters. These fish are caught through anchor fishing, trolling, and light to moderate bait casting. The Spring run ends in mid-June, giving way to the Fall run. In the Fall, large feeder kings can weigh as much as forty or fifty pounds. The Fall run goes from June through December using a wide array of techniques on Columbia and Coastal Rivers year-round and on the Willamette River in the Spring.

Coho/Silver Salmon
Coho’s can get up to nearly 20 lbs. We catch them using spinners, light to moderate bait casting, and through other trolling methods. Coho Salmon are primarily caught on Columbia River fishing trips between September and November.

Steelhead are known for their bright chrome looking coloring and their aggressive, fighting nature. Using many techniques, including light spinning tackle, in a high-energy fishing environment makes Steelhead fishing some of the most fun. Natives can easily reach the upper teens in weight. Winter fishing is typically done on local and coastal rivers, while the Summer Steelhead run is concentrated on the Columbia and Sandy Rivers.

Most of our Sturgeon fishing is on a catch and release fishery basis. The Columbia, however, allows you to keep two per year for this year, although there is a chance that may change to exclusively catch and release next year as well. Keeper Sturgeon can typically weigh anywhere from twenty to forty pounds and are caught using conventional methods including heavier tackle. Oversized sturgeon can reach five to twelve feet in length and weigh over one hundred pounds, making them true river monsters for the fisherman seeking a real challenge. Their run is from January to July and is primarily for sport. We catch them on the Columbia and Willamette.